Led by founder and CEO Martha Montoya, Agtools is a game changing, dynamic, analytic data service that delivers business-critical access to accurate, real-time, market intelligence for over 500 specialty crops and growing. Its SaaS platform provides such indicators as: crop volumes, weather, pricing, exchange rates, logistical costs, market disruptors and macroeconomic factors to optimize decision-making processes for producers and buyers. Agtools analytics are based on three decades of historical statistics, 6.1+ billion data points, and over 50 years of global weather patterns. All uploading at one billion transactions per second through its patented machine learning processes.

With over 30 years of worldwide IT/Telecommunications/Food/Agricultural and Supply Chain experience, Martha’s career in the agricultural industry started while sourcing ingredients from the Americas.This provided her with the knowledge of the product from the source to delivery and ultimately becoming a leader in the industry, traveling while delivering projects beneficial for the supplier and customers on four continents.  Dealing with both small and industrial size farms, government entities and sophisticated buyers in Europe, Russia and the United States, she has set up production lines across many crops and commodities. Today she leads Agtools, a Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence award winner, that delivers food and agricultural financial and market intelligence data to customers around the world. Martha’s formal degrees are in Chemistry and Biology with post graduate courses at the University of Chicago, the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, the Stanford University Entrepreneurial and Scalability program and the UC Davis Institute for Food, Agriculture and Health Entrepreneurship.