New Portfolio Company: GamerSafer

Led by co-founders Rodrigo Tamellini and Maria Oliveira, GamerSafer is a leading-edge technology that helps game publishers and developers prevent the crime, fraud, and toxicity to which their gaming communities are too often subjected on their platforms. GamerSafer does so by providing an end-to-end solution that protects players on every step of their gaming experience — from pre-game biometric verification, to in-game use of gamer insights to moderate behavior, to post-game reinforcement of player accountability. It also provides services that particularly prevent the exploitation and abuse of children and facilitates parental engagement.
As the number of players, social interactions, and time played on gaming platforms continues to grow, GamerSafer sees an even more urgent need to create a cross-platform, scalable and prevention-driven technology to protect players and platforms, and has taken the lead in doing so. Its goal is to safeguard millions of players of all genders, geographies, ethnicities, ages, and religions on their gaming journey.
With Reinventure’s investment as GamerSafer’s lead investor, its our goal too.