Our Thoughts

Conversations with Our Community

You Get The Future You Invest In

Back to School

August 26, 2019

As we prepare to savor the salty-sweet joys of Labor Day Weekend and the traditional end of summer, I have Karen Peris’ voice from The Innocence Mission in my head:

You Get The Future You Invest In

Why Settle for Just One?

August 6, 2019

In the 1980s, a movie called Highlander attracted a cult following (and eventually a string of truly unfortunate sequels) despite, or perhaps because of, a fairly silly premise.

Ed Talk

The Fierce Urgency of Now

July 17, 2019

Ever since Fathers’ Day I’ve been preoccupied with thoughts of my father. His life, his death and the sage advice he gave me as he prepared to die. Advice that one would rather not hear, if not receiving it could stave off his death. But it could not, so it was delivered, as if from generations of fathers who deeply knew adversity, lived with deferred dreams and wanted better for their sons.

You Get The Future You Invest In

In praise of tall poppies

July 1, 2019

Here in the States we have deeply rooted twin myths of meritocracy and egalitarianism, both springing from profound ideals enshrined in our founding documents.

You Get The Future You Invest In

Sooner is better than perfect

May 30, 2019

I do a lot of founder mentoring, teaching, and speaking and pitch competition judging as a longitudinal commitment to cultivating the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.- Desmond Tutu
You Get The Future You Invest In

ICYMI (Act Now!)

May 15, 2019

Let me just say for the record that I really dislike listicles, “must-see” anything, and the whole notion of FOMO. You may quote me on that.

You Get The Future You Invest In

You Are Not Alone

April 15, 2019

For those of us entering the twin holidays of Passover and Easter, a central message of both celebrations is that we are not alone. But you don’t have to be an adherent of either faith to take courage from that reassurance — and then act on it.

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You Get The Future You Invest In

For + With > About

March 26, 2019

Jennifer posed a sage question: “What does engagement mean?” and followed it up with an insightful observation and prediction: “At the moment most newsrooms see engagement as a special project — but in the future, it could be a competitive advantage.”

Ed Talk

The Gift of Black History

February 25, 2019

Reflecting on Black History this month I wondered, “What do most Americans know about the people we call Black? The rise and fall and rise again of a people whose American roots are as deep and strong as any of America’s earliest Anglo immigrants? Why their history provides fundamental insights into our most persistent social and economic ills today?”

You Get The Future You Invest In

Groundhog Day

February 1, 2019

Polar vortex notwithstanding, tomorrow morning in Punxatawney PA and other communities around the US and Canada, people will gather to witness a groundhog being hoisted into the winter chill in hope that it will cast no shadow, thereby presaging an early spring. 

You Get The Future You Invest In

Hark! Who goes there?

January 4, 2019

At the close of every year, email and postal mail boxes overflow with last-minute charitable donation requests.  All throughout December, my inbox, for example, brimmed not only with notices from organizations I support

Ed Talk


December 3, 2018

When I was very young, I regularly tested my parent’s patience with the question, “Why?” Perhaps you did too. And perhaps as you grew older, like me, the eye-opening beauty of the question was gradually tamed by the essence of most answers: “Why not?”